CSC Wins Two Florida Contracts

SARASOTA, Fla. – Correctional Services Corp. (CSC) recently won three new prison management contracts that are expected to generate $16 million in revenue over three years. The new contracts include the soon-to-open, 111-bed Lufkin Correctional Center in Angelina County, Texas, housing female detainees placed by the Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). But the company did not bid to renew the contract at the Charles H. Hickey Jr. School in Baltimore. A report last year accused some staff members there of physically and sexually abusing juvenile offenders. That contract was worth $15.6 million in annual revenues. CSC also won contracts for the 96-bed Marion Youth Development Center in Ocala, Fla., and the 27-bed Sawmill Academy for Girls in Tallahassee, Fla. The company will take over Marion this month and Sawmill in June for a combined $2.58 million in annual revenues.

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