Security Restraints

Clean Cuff restraints by Posey are made of a laminated material and have stainless-steel swivel and pre-attached 32-inch polypropylene straps that allow fast and proper cuff orientation, the company says.

Waist and ankle sizes help with fit and deter tampering.

All parts can be disinfected with standard OSHA-approved intermediate-level disinfectant to provide safety from blood-borne pathogens.

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Private: Security Restraints

NIK introduces the Cuff-Aide, a new product aimed at keeping correctional and law enforcement officers safe while dealing with belligerent or unruly prisoners.

The inmate’s hands are held at the waist by a strap on the backside that also provides a loop for belly chains. The device limits an inmate’s ability to pick up contraband or weapons and prevents prisoners from harming themselves or others by grabbing or scratching. The equipment is washable and durable, the company reports.

Contact NIK Public Safety Inc.

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