Wireless Body Alarm System

Grace Industries offers a body alarm system using a base unit the size of a briefcase as an infrastructure, making the system easy to install, reducing the need for repeaters, and eliminating wiring.

Ideal for retrofits, the wireless SM2000 Command Base and PA2000 personal alarm are suited to any size institution, the company says. Both audio and visual indications are sent to central control. Pagers also receive an ID signal from the alarm source.

The SM2000 Command Base provides accountability by registering each user, displaying the staff member’s name, ID number, and status. Datalog output of all status changes are automatically time-stamped and can be captured or stored to a computer.

The PA2000 personal alarm includes both silent and audible alarms. Immobilized correctional officers are protected by a self-contained lack-of-motion sensor that transmits a loud audible alarm and help signal after 60 seconds of non-movement.

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