County Official Says Prison Has Not Helped County

COLEMAN, Fla. — After 11 years of operation, the Federal Correctional Complex at Coleman has had little economic impact on the surrounding community, according to at least one county commissioner.

The complex, which houses 6,215 inmates in five facilities, opened in 1995 under the assumption that it would benefit the local economy. However, most of the employees that work at the complex do not live in Coleman or Sumter County, according to reports. Instead of a housing boom in the area, during the last 15 years Coleman’s population has dropped 22.8 percent.

The federal prison has helped the city financially with more than $1 million of annual water and sewage fees. But the facility pays no local taxes, and its workers clog area roadways, according to a county commissioner who says the complex has done more to hurt the area then help it.

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