Officials: New Courthouse Is Needed in Will County

JOLIET, Ill. — The caseload at Will County courts is expected to increase substantially over the next four years, and officials say a new courthouse is needed to make room for more judges.

The current county courthouse was built 40 years ago to serve a population of 225,000. The county now has a population of three times that number.

A four-courtroom annex opened in October 2006 to help alleviate overcrowding and long lines at the existing courthouse. Starting next year, the courts will begin to use an electronic filing system where lawyers can file documents without having to come to the courthouse.

Officials say the county will get nine or 10 more judges after the 2010 census is completed, but if there is no space for them the judges cannot come to the county.

The new courthouse, would take about three to four years to build. Plans suggest placing the courthouse south of the existing county jail, and attaching the buildings to simplify prisoner transport.

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