Minnesota Prison Worksite Wins OSHA Plaudits for Safety

ST. PAUL, Minn. — State officials recognized Minneapolis-based construction firm Adolfson & Peterson’s for its implementation of comprehensive safety and health programs at the 1,221-bed Minnesota Correctional Facility-Faribault.

The renovation and construction project increased capacity at MCF-Faribault, which houses both minimum- and medium-security inmates, to 1,941 beds.

Adolfson & Peterson’s Faribault worksite becomes only the second construction project in the state to be endorsed under the Department of Labor and Industry’s new Minnesota Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program, officials say.

MNSHARP Construction status recognizes the efforts of construction companies to develop and implement comprehensive safety and health programs that extend beyond basic OSHA standards and result in immediate and long-term prevention of job-related injuries and illnesses.

Working in conjunction with MNOSHA’s workplace safety consultant, the company fine-tuned existing programs with the involvement of management and employees, allocating resources to address safety issues, developing systems that identify and control workplace hazards, and enhancing employee safety education and training.

Only construction projects of at least 18 months duration are eligible for the MNSHARP Construction endorsement.

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