Calif. Corrections Names Architect for 1,900-bed Prison

WASCO, Calif. — Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation officials awarded gkkworks the lead architect contract for a high-security facility expansion at the 3,200-bed Wasco State Prison.

The more than 528,000-square-foot expansion will add 10 housing units with 1,900 beds, officials say. The expansion will also provide new vocational and educational programming space and healthcare, recreation and food service facilities.

Opened in 1991, the Wasco complex covers 634 acres approximately 140 miles north of Los Angeles. Under the terms of the contract, gkkworks of Irvine, Calif., will be responsible for project programming, site planning, architecture and engineering and construction services.

Although the schedule and budget remain to be determined, the pre-design phase of the project got under way in March, says gkkworks project director Steve Wagner.

The project will create more than 50 new buildings at the existing complex, which includes minimum- and medium-security facilities and a reception center, and will also provide additional visitation and administration space.

As mandated by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2004 executive order, the Wasco project will incorporate environmentally sustainable design and construction practices and will be registered for LEED Silver certification, officials say.

The expansion project is scheduled for completion in 2011.

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