Arcmatic Engineers Cast Iron Efficiencies With Versatile Steel Welding Systems

VALLEJO, Calif. — With the stream of federal stimulus dollars igniting construction projects throughout the United States, Arcmatic Welding Systems promises to deliver time and cost efficiencies for fabricators eager to nail down job contracts as the structural steel market heats up.

The industrial manufacturing company, launched in 2007 at the former Mare Island Navy shipyard, specializes in turnkey, computer-controlled welding systems for heavy plate applications, including structural steel beams and columns for the institutional construction sector.

Arcmatic systems utilize Versaslag — a patented modular variant of the Narrow-Gap Improved Electroslag Welding process — or a twin-wire Submerged Arc Welding process with metal powder additions that deliver both high deposition rates for time and cost efficiencies and impact resistance and metallurgical quality that conform to the AWS D1.1 structural and D1.8 seismic codes.

The modular mechanical and electrical components of both computer-controlled welding processes can be mounted on a range of application platforms and units, such as Arcmatic’s dual carriage gantry (pictured here), which facilitates simultaneous two-weld operations that further increase deposition rates (in excess of 300 lbs per hour) and reduce welding times in the fabrication of structural beams and columns.

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