N.Y. County Awards $24.5 Million Inmate Medical Contract

ONONDAGA COUNTY, N.Y. — Correctional Medical Care Inc. will take over health care at Onondaga County’s three correctional facilities beginning in December.

The county recently signed a $24.5 million, three-year contract with Correctional Medical Care to handle medical care at the county’s Justice Center Jail, Jamesville Correctional Facility, and Hillbrook Juvenile Detention Center.

Nearly 60 workers are expected to be staffed at the jails. Higher wages will be paid in an effort to retain as many current employees as possible, officials say. The county expects to see about $150 million in savings over three years due to reduced benefits for the workers.

Onondaga County officials moved swiftly because the doctors it had previously contracted with were discontinued in August. The county had to fill the physicians’ positions and decided to privatize the entire medical care system.

 “This was not just about saving money,” says Ann Rooney, deputy county executive for human services. “It was really about inmate care and providing the best care.”

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