Planning Under Way for $10 Million Jail in S.C.
TAYLORSVILLE, S.C. — Construction bids are currently being considered for a new 150-bed jail that will house both male and female inmates in Taylorsville.
Construction of the $10 million Alexander County Jail will consist of two buildings separated by a fire wall. The first building — the law enforcement center — is a single-story, steel-framed structure with brick veneer and a single-ply TPO roof. The second building — the detention center — is a two-story, masonry load-bearing structure with hollow-core precast concrete roof and a single-ply TPO roof.
The work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services indicated on the drawings and specifications to provide a complete building ready for occupancy. The project architect is Hemphill-Randel Associates of Charlotte, North Carolina. The project bid date is November 23, 2010.