Nev. Detention Center Completed

HENDERSEN, Nev. — The Design-build team of The Durrant Group, Inc. and Sletten Construction announced today the completion of the City of Henderson Detention Center Expansion. A ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on February 9th, 2011.  
Durrant specializes in architecture, engineering and construction management projects within the correctional industry, while Sletten has been building facilities in a variety of sectors for 78 years.
The expansion added 250 beds to the detention center’s existing 290 bed and added a new public entry, vehicle sally port, booking area and an administration area.
The existing building’s kitchen and exercise rooms are currently being renovated and a new staff lounge with exterior patio is being constructed. The renovations are scheduled for completion in July 2011.
The facility features sustainable design elements including low energy lighting, lighting sensors, water conservation measures and an energy efficient heating and cooling system.
The goal of the design was to improve staff efficiency and effectiveness and provide a more pleasant work environment for staff while expanding the amount of short and long-term housing space.
Currently, contract inmates from other local jurisdictions and federal authorities fill unused bed space, which has created an important revenue stream for the city.

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