AIA AAJ Justice Facilities Call for Entries

WASHINGTON — The AIA Academy of Architecture for Justice (AAJ) invites all registered architects to submit projects that represent the state of the art in justice facility design including courts, detention/corrections, law enforcement, emergency operations and communication centers.

The Justice Facilities Review is a showcase of jury-selected projects viewed by administrators, architects, representatives of state and local jurisdictions, and others involved in the justice system. A jury of architects and justice facilities administrators will screen entries.

This year, a new category has been added entitled “Thought Leadership.” Through this category, the AAJ hopes to elicit submissions for strategic or system-wide master plans, research studies, and prototype design proposals that further the profession in development of the most effective and innovative approaches to justice practice.

The AIA encourages architects to submit their design work for consideration. Award recipients will be recognized, and winning projects displayed, at the AIA 2012 National Convention and Design Exposition in Washington, D.C.

Submission Deadline: 4:59 p.m. EST, March 12, 2012

All entries and supporting materials must be submitted online. For full eligibility rules, judging criteria, and submission requirements or to submit project materials, visit:

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