April Pottorff

April Pottorff, AIA, has been elevated to principal at the New York-based Justice Facilities planning and design firm Ricci Greene Associates. Pottorff is widely recognized in the justice field as an expert solely dedicated to the design and planning of courts and urban jails in both the United States and Canada. She was RGA’s lead design representative for the LEED-Silver certified, 1500-bed Denver Detention facility and is a NIC faculty member who teaches the “Managing Jail Design and Construction” seminars for counties contemplating the construction of new jail facilities.

Pottorff has been the communications chair for the American Institute of Architects-Academy of Architecture for Justice since January 2010. She also served as a consultant to the California Administrative Office of the Courts in its latest revision of the state’s Trial Court Facilities Standards. Leader of the RGA office in Lexington, Ky., Pottorff joined RGA’s New York office in 1993 after earning a master of planning in urban design from the City College of New York’s urban design graduate program and a bachelor of architecture degree from the University of Kansas School Of Architecture, Design & Planning. She has been an associate principal at RGA since 2005.

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