Law Enforcement Bond Defeated, New Jail Will Still Be Built

McCOOK, Neb. — Final results in Red Willow County showed a majority of voters were against placing the construction of a new $5.1 million jail facility outside of the county’s existing budget. As of May 16, numbers showed that 1,410 voted against the additional bond and 741 voted in favor.

The actual construction of the one level, 24-bed jail and law enforcement facility will not be effected by the vote. The stand-alone building will be sited next to the courthouse.

Red Willow County commissioners decided to work out a temporary arrangement with the City of McCook to use the city’s public safety center and jail cells until the county’s new law enforcement center and jail is completed in late 2013.

Gerry Hunter, the county’s jail administrator, said that the use of the city’s jail facilities would alleviate safety, security and liability concerns, between the time when the city no longer operates its jail cells and the county’s new jail is completed.

The architect is Omaha-based Prochaska & Associates. The construction manager, which was recently chosen, is Sampson Construction.

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