
Harding Instruments introduces its RightTrack RT10 Controller and RT10 Expander, which are designed to monitor and control discrete inputs and outputs. Using a communicating host system via an Ethernet network, the modules are both economical and compact, and mount easily to a standard DIN rail, according to the company. The RT10 Controller provides 18 open drain outputs and 18 discrete inputs that can be software configured for either supervised or non-supervised operation, monitoring up to 36 switches. Its supervised inputs can detect both open circuit and short circuit faults. Chained to a controller, each expander offers additional 24 outputs and 24 inputs. A total of 90 discrete outputs and 90 discrete inputs can therefore be managed by a single RT10 system, according to the company. Right Track also features an Ethernet port and a 200 MHz ARM9 processor that runs the Linux operating unit and provides support for up to three expanders.

Harding Instruments

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