CGL/Kitchell Secures First Outsourced Correctional Facility Management Contract in California

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — CGL/Kitchell has been retained to oversee facility maintenance for the new South Placer Adult Correctional Facility, the first California county to outsource maintenance and management services for a correctional facility.

“This is an exciting venture for Placer County and for us,” said Kitchell President Russ Fox. “We’re eager to demonstrate the ROI [return on investment] that can be achieved with our highly skilled technical staff, who can be attentive to preventive maintenance while overseeing big picture needs.”

The new 200,655-square-foot facility is located in Roseville, Calif., adjacent to the Bill Santucci Justice Center. It is a highly functional, energy-efficient and technical facility that will house multiple classifications of inmates and includes administration, visitation, intake/booking/release, medical services, a county-centralized food center, laundry and an extensive vehicle sallyport area. The facility has a tunnel connecting the courthouse on the adjacent lot for in-custody inmate transfer and a shelled out on-site arraignment court that will be opened by the California State Judicial Branch in the next two years.

CGL/Kitchell’s work on the project begins with testing and caretaking of all building systems prior to occupancy, including technical support for warranty items, preventive maintenance schedules and systems, implementation of a computerized maintenance management system and related operational support.

Though Kitchell has several decades of experience providing construction services in the justice/corrections sector, South Placer County represents CGL/Kitchell’s first California correctional facility management project. Recently, the company was also engaged to oversee facility maintenance at the new state-of-the-art University of Arizona College of Medicine campus buildings in Phoenix.

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