Evacuation System

TOA Electronics Inc., a subsidiary of TOA Corporation, announces the launch of its VM-3000 Emergency Voice Evacuation System. The VM-3000 system incorporates a paging matrix/mixer with DSP, digital messaging, a priority microphone and zone-switchable power amplifier section. Designed to suit small to medium sized applications such as prisons, schools, office buildings and industrial facilities, it can expand to cover to up to 60 paging zones with a maximum of 2400 W (at 70V) and can even broadcast background music sources. Programming is done through a GUI Interface with a network connection to a Windows PC. The VM-3000 also offers integration with fire alarm systems, redundant power, speaker line-supervision and multi-level priority override. Already bearing EN-54/16 certification, the VM-3000 will also carry a UL2572 certification, which complies with new NFPA72 2013 codes.

TOA Electronics Inc.

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