Electronic Health Record System

MedUnison’s DocSynergy Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution is a HIPAA-compliant environment for medical records and communications and has been successfully deployed in correctional health care settings. DocSynergy is a highly secure, enterprise-level electronic health care system complete with Electronic Health Record (EHR) capabilities, ePrescribing, eMAR, proprietary SmartForms clinical documentation technology, native telemedicine support and an interoperability engine. In addition, it is accessible to providers from any location with an Internet connection. DocSynergy EHR supports the use of novel care-delivery models such as TeleHealth and online eConsults by supporting the scheduling of online interactions natively in the scheduling tool as well as enabling providers on both ends to have full access to the patient’s medical record and the ability to order interventions (new or updated meds, etc.) remotely as their schedule permits.



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