Solar-Powered Job Site Monitoring Software

Sensera Systems, the fastest growing manufacturer of solar-powered job site monitoring and site security products, has integrated its SiteCloud software with Autodesk BIM 360. The integration saves time and improves accuracy of job site documentation by fully automating the collection and archival of as-built progress images and enabling direct comparison with design plans. All existing and new SiteCloud users can now integrate their project images with their Autodesk BIM 360 project. All image and video types available in SiteCloud are supported. Transfer can be done manually at any time or setup for daily automatic transfer. BIM 360 users can access transferred images and video for viewing or other workflow within BIM 360. SiteCloud provides automated cloud-based archival of construction site image and video documentation using 100 percent solar/wireless site cameras including Sensera’s MC26, MC78 and SiteWatch-PRO models.