Brantley Choate

Brantley Choate has been reappointed director of the Division of Rehabilitative Programs at the CDCR, where he has served as director of the Division of Rehabilitative Programs since 2017. Since 2003, Choate worked in the field of adult education managing both California adult schools as well as university programs. He was the Director of Inmate Education for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department from 2011 to 2014.
From 2014 to 2017, Choate served as California’s State Superintendent of Correctional Education leading academic, career technical education, and college programs for all 35 state prisons. Choate holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University in Educational Psychology and a Master’s and Doctorate from Saint Mary’s College of California in Educational Leadership. Choate was confirmed to this position by the California Senate in 2018.