Correctional Mental Health Conference Moves to Online

By CN Staff
CHICAGO—The annual Correctional Mental Health Care Conference hosted by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care will take place virtually this year on July 20-21, with sessions available for on-demand viewing through September 3. Correctional mental health experts will delve into such topics as the impact of COVID-19 on mental health, medication-assisted treatment, serious mental illness, trauma, autism, transgender issues, and reentry. The event also showcases an online exhibit hall to introduce correctional mental health professionals to solutions and information to help enhance patient care.
Mental health treatment, always a crucial subject in corrections, is now an even greater concern with conditions exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health of the incarcerated has been impacted by the shutdowns or limits on educational programs, face-to-face counseling, and family visitation, as well as greater use of restrictive housing to isolate the virus.
A new two-hour preconference seminar will elaborate on NCCHC’s Standards for Mental Health Services and how they impact care, treatment, records, administration, personnel, legal issues and more. The seminar will support quality mental health care within facilities and assist practitioners in preparing for NCCHC’s specialty certification for mental health, CCHP-MH.
“The online format allows participants to view every session and get more education than they would in a live event,” remarked NCCHC CEO Deborah Ross, CCHP. “And, there is a definitely a convenience factor in participating in the sessions as time permits and not having to travel. We are proud to be able to support professionals in the field in these challenging times.”
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