Bullet-Resistant Security Booths

Panel Built’s line of ballistic rated and bullet-resistant guard booths provide an additional layer of security. Acting as an initial access control point, the booths are the first line of defense for a facility, allowing them to screen all potential entrants. Due to growing threats over the past decades, many facilities have opted to choose a ballistic-rated solution for their security booth, providing their officers with much-needed protection. This way, the officers can safely report a threat from within the building, without putting themselves in harm’s way.
Panel Built’s bullet-resistant buildings can be designed to meet all levels of UL-752, NIJ, and STANAG ballistic requirements. Panel Built booths are delivered to the project site pre-assembled, only needing to be off-loaded, anchored into place, and connected to a power supply to be fully operative. The booths come in a variety of custom finishes, colors, and styles to best fit into the surrounding architecture.