Kimberly Kane

NCCHC Resources, Inc., the consulting subsidiary of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, has named Kimberly Kane to its Board of Directors.
Assistant medical director for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections, Kane, APRN-BC, CCHP-RN, CCHP-CP, provides strategic leadership for the delivery of health care services throughout the system, including nursing, physician, radiology, dental, behavioral health, substance use, infection control, and consultant services. She started at RIDOC as a nurse practitioner in 2011 before becoming nursing director and moved into her current role in 2021.
“I am enthused about collaborating with colleagues who share my passion for improving the quality and overall delivery of health care to those facing incarceration, and I’m confident that NCCHC Resources will continue to support and grow the culture, workforce, and quality of health care delivery in corrections,” said Kane.