Thrive Academy Honored by CJJA for Juvenile Justice Innovation

By CN Staff
NASHVILLE, Tenn.—The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services’ Thrive Academy was recently awarded the 2024 Council of Juvenile Justice Administrators’ (CJJA) Inspiration Innovation Award.
This esteemed recognition honors the program’s outstanding achievements in juvenile justice innovation.
The Inspirational Innovation Award is a prestigious recognition created by the CJJA to celebrate and honor outstanding achievements in the realm of juvenile justice innovation. This accolade is bestowed upon individuals, teams, or organizations whose groundbreaking contributions have not only pushed the boundaries of what is possible but have also left an indelible mark in the juvenile justice field.
The Thrive Academy is a data-informed, youth development and violence intervention program that is implemented in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, and Prince George’s County.
“We were honored to have Olusola Ogunranti, Executive Director of Safety Services, and Clinton Lacey from the Credible Messenger Mentoring Movement (CM3) accept this award on behalf of DJS at the CJJA Summer Business Meeting recently held in Nashville. It’s an honor to be recognized by CJJA and we will continue our mission to improve juvenile justice in Maryland,” read a statement from the Maryland DJS.
Organized in 1994, the Council of Juvenile Justice Administrators is a national non-profit organization created to improve juvenile justice systems, enhance local correctional and residential facilities and programs, and promote improved long-term outcomes for youth and their families. CJJA represents the state juvenile justice system CEOs, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and various local jurisdictions across the country.