Pueblo County Jail to Balance Efficiency and Security

When the new Pueblo County Jail opens in early 2026, it will meet nearly all of the county’s correctional needs under one secure and sustainable roof. The nearly 167,000-square-foot facility, estimated at $145.8 million, will solve ongoing crowding and maintenance issues that are pervasive in the existing 509-bed downtown jail, while setting inmates and staff members up for safety and success. 

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New York City’s Design-Build Delivery Journey

While this article is focused on New York City’s jails story, it is shared in the context of the journey that every owner must engage in as they plan and implement an alternative delivery project. Delivering any project requires an interplay between the owner’s needs and goals and willing participants in the market such that builders and designers assess that they can successfully deliver the project’s scope and quality within schedule and on budget…while managing risks.

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