Calif. Medical Parole Application Denied

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Corcoran State Prison inmate Steve Martinez was denied medical parole by the state’s Board of Parole Hearings based on public safety concerns.
Martinez’s application was the first to be considered under the new medical parole law, which aims to release up to 40 of the state’s most medically expensive inmates from prison in an attempt to save $10 million a year.

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W. Va. To Fix Prison Parole Law

Pennsylvania Governor Plans Parole, Corrections Reform

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Gov. Edward G. Rendell announced plans to implement several recommendations from an independent review for improving the state’s corrections and parole system.

The review by John Goldkamp, chair of the department of criminal justice at Temple University, found the majority of the state’s parole procedures to be sound, but suggested the implementation of additional measures to ensure paroled violent offenders do not pose a threat to public safety.

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