Nebraska State Penitentiary Implements New Health Programs
LINCOLN, Neb. — New medical screening procedures and in-house programs are being implemented in Nebraska penitentiaries as the number of inmates age 50 and older increases.
LINCOLN, Neb. — New medical screening procedures and in-house programs are being implemented in Nebraska penitentiaries as the number of inmates age 50 and older increases.
Photos courtesy of NYDOCS
FISHKILL, N.Y. — From coast to coast and border to border, corrections officials must face the prospect of housing ever-growing numbers of older inmates and providing for their special needs.
The United States must deal with the looming reality of an en masse graying of society, as approximately 76 million baby boomers begin to turn 65 years old. Boomers — born between the mid 1940s and mid 1960s — account for almost 30 percent of the U.S. population.