Iowa DNA Sampling Bill Goes to Governor

DES MOINES, Iowa — A bill that would require Iowa offenders over the age of 18 who have been convicted of certain misdemeanors to provide a DNA sampling has gone to the desk of Gov. Terry Branstad for approval.

The Iowa House approved amendments made by the Senate, which included the removal of deferred judgment cases as well as offenses related to agricultural production, hazardous waste and gaming and betting, in a 84-15 vote last week. Currently, only those convicted of a felony or sexual offense are required to provide a DNA sampling for the federal database.

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Difficult For Ex-Offenders To Find Jobs, Study Finds

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Ex-offenders face tremendous barriers to employment, according to results of a recent survey by economic development policy students at the University of Iowa.
The percentage of Eastern Iowa businesses that automatically disqualify ex-offenders ranges from 25 percent for DUI to 80 percent for a violent crime, the survey found.
“An employer’s aversion attenuates over time,” said Brenda Dodge, Operations Director of the Iowa City Workforce Center – IowaWorks.

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Geothermal Plans In The Works for Courthouse

NEWTON, Iowa — Jasper County Supervisors are weighing options for the replacement of the Jasper County Courthouses aging heating and cooling system.
Vic Amoroso of AJ Associates made an appearance at the supervisors meeting Tuesday to present the results of a HVAC system replacement study for the courthouse.
The study found that the system, installed in 1986, is reaching the end of its useful life, and there are more elements in the current system than are really needed.
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Iowa Addresses Prison Overcrowding

DES MOINES — Iowa prisons are overcrowded, but a construction program and coordination with the Board of Parole should reduce overcrowding, Department of Corrections Director John Baldwin told lawmakers Wednesday.
The prison population is 23 percent over capacity, Baldwin told the Transportation, Infrastructures and Capitals Appropriations Subcommittee.
Iowa’s nine prisons have a capacity of 7,209 but currently house 8,883 inmates, Baldwin said, an increase from 8,200 a year ago.

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Iowa Gov. Dismisses Parole Board Members

Chicago Firm Low Bidder On Iowa Prison Projects

DES MOINES, Iowa — Chicago-based Walsh Construction provisionally won $52 million in Iowa state contracts for a major expansion and renovation project at the state women’s prison in Mitchellville.

The Iowa Department of Administrative Services opened bids from the firms for the general construction package at Mitchellville. Walsh Construction submitted a bid of $46.89 million, the lowest of the six bids. Walsh was also the lowest of three bidders for site preparation work at Mitchellville with a bid of $5.34 million.

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$45 Million Women’s Prison Planned for Iowa

MITCHELLVILLE, Iowa — The Iowa Department of Administrative Services is accepting bids for a $45-million women’s prison in Mitchellville.
The Iowa Correctional Institute for Women is slated for completion in late 2013 and will house 888 inmates. The architect on the project is STV Inc. of New York.
Bids are being received for five new buildings and an electrical system upgrade. A mandatory pre-bid conference and tour of the construction area is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. (local time) on November 18, 2010.

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Budget Concerns Lead to Repair of Aging Facility

IOWA —The Webster County Board of Supervisors has decided to repair its existing jail in Fort Dodge, Iowa instead of building a new facility.

In April, the county received citizen approval to bond for $9 million to build a new jail using Local Option Sales Tax revenue paid for over 20 years. However, in mid October the board announced it would repair the existing facility, due to new information regarding the general budget and concern over local option sales tax revenues. The board will still be paying for the estimated $4 million project from lost revenues.

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Judge Throws Out Appeal in Iowa Prison Construction Case

FORT MADISON, Iowa — In spite of legal action from a consortium of construction organizations, Iowa Gov. Chet Culver ordered state officials to sign a contract for construction to begin on a new $116.9 million maximum-security prison.
The order followed appeals by Weitz Co., a Des Moines-based construction firm, and Master Builders of Iowa, a trade group representing 2,000 Iowa businesses, to overturn the contract awarded to Walsh Construction II, LLC, based in Chicago.

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