7 California Prisons Receive ACA Accreditation

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) announced on Aug. 8 that seven of the state’s prisons had earned accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, bringing the total number of accredited state prisons in California to 30. The most recent round of accreditations was announced during the American Correctional Association’s (ACA) 146th Congress of Corrections in Boston from August 5-10.

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Unique Private Prison Deal Leads to Backlash

CONNEAUT, Ohio — A private prison in Ohio has been making headlines in all the wrong ways since the state sold the facility in 2011. Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) paid the state $72.7 million for the Lake Erie Correctional Institution in an unprecedented move that the company’s representatives predicted would serve as a model for other states at the time. The private prison company sent correspondence to leaders in 48 other states, trying to encourage them to make similar deals.

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ACA Honors Massachusetts Jail

PITTSFIELD, Ma. — The American Correctional Association (ACA) has awarded its highest score to the Berkshire County Jail and House of Corrections. The facility was awarded a score of 100 percent by the ACA report, according to Sheriff Thomas Bowler.

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Ascending From the Ashes: Are We Turning the Corner?

Once I was in Heliopolis, the “sun city,” or at least the place where the ancient city once stood. This was in the late 1960s, a few months after the seven-day war between Israel and Egypt. A tentative peace was apparent (which has now lasted more than four decades) and birds were back in the public squares.

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On Location: ACA 138th Congress of Correcton

Although the 2008 celebration of Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras season had long since faded into hazy memory, traditional string beads and quintessential jazz were in no short supply down in the French Quarter — along with the obligatory plate of Jambalaya and occasional medicinal bourbon — as more than 220 exhibitors and 2,000 attendees descended on a sultry New Orleans for the American Correctional Association’s 138th Congress of Correction.

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