Six-Sided Cell Module

The six-sided precast cell module from Tindall Corp. offers seamless interiors with pre-installed fixtures and furniture options, including toilet, seating, desk, bed and mirror. Engineered to meet seismic safety standards, modules incorporate an integrated floor and are up-fitted with M/E/P chases under factory-controlled conditions, according to the company. Module finishes are available in a range of standard and custom inlays, patterns, textures and other architectural options.

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Precast Cells

Tindall offers factory-built, precast cell modules. The units receive over 150 exterior structural and interior finish QC inspection checks before shipment. Each module includes two completely furnished and upfitted cells designed to meet specific project needs. Electrical, plumbing and utilities are pre-installed for controlled quality and easy hookup.

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Modular Jail Cells

Fibrebond Corporation’s modular jail cells are manufactured from concrete and steel by automated production and state-of-the-art processing methods. Panelized construction gives enhanced versatility in conforming to odd shapes or multi-sided modules within the same facility or challenging cast-in requirements.

The modules feature sound damping and resistance to mold and toxins, ready-to-paint wall surfaces, bullet-resistant glazing, high-security grade light fixtures, pick-proof security caulking, and high-security stainless steel plumbing fixtures.

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