Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Seeks to Refurbish Mental Health Care

HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is looking to make changes within their detention facilities for the well-being of mentally ill or unstable inmates.

Recently, the state has made several changes in its facilities to provide a more suitable environment for mentally ill inmates. Some changes and improvements include hiring more mental health staff, better training provided for correctional officers, and providing the inmates with at least 20 hours a week outside of their cells.

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Pennsylvania Passes Prison Reform

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed Senate Bill 100 into law on July 9, 2012, after unanimous approval in both chambers of the legislature. The governor is hoping the bill will back up his self-characterization as a prison reformer, as sources say the bill could save hundreds of millions of dollars over a five-year period. His opponents argue that Corbett’s budget still includes $685 million to construct more than 5,000 new prison beds.

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The Lineman: John E. Wetzel, Pennsylvania’s New Secretary of Corrections

Vital Statistics
Name: John E. Wetzel
Age: 42
Time Served: 22 Years
Motto: Work Hard
Memberships: American Correctional Association, the American Jail Association, American College Football Coaches Association.
Last Book Read: Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security by Michael Savage
Hobby: Coaching college football
Football Team: Philadelphia Eagles

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Pennsylvania Crime Agency Awarded

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A special advisory committee within the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency has received a prestigious national award for its efforts to help individuals with mental health needs that are involved in the criminal justice system.

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