New Orleans Officials Vote for Smaller Jail

NEW ORLEANS — The New Orleans City Council has voted unanimously to pass an ordinance authorizing the construction of a new jail that is much smaller than what had previously been planned in a bid to reduce the city’s prison population.
The ordinance calls for the construction of a 1,438-bed jail, less than a third of the size of the originally proposed expansion that called for more than 4,000 beds

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Bossier Parish Maximum Security Jail

When Hurricane Katrina ripped through New Orleans, it created immense damage to anything unfortunate enough to be in its path, but it was the subsequent flooding that wreaked the most havoc on those that remained in the city.

After levees broke at the Industrial Canal and the 17th Street Canal, some areas were flooded with several feet of water. Homes were submerged to their roof lines, businesses were gutted and thousands were stranded. The city’s correctional facilities, although built to withstand hurricane-force winds, were also subjected to widespread damage.

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