Audio/Visual Alarm

Gentex Corporation manufacturers the SSPKWLP Series of wall-mount, 24VDC speaker/strobes. The series offers evacuation signaling and visual alarms that meet ADA and NFPA requirements for audio, visual and voice communications. Available in a red or white faceplate, the units mount to a standard 4-inch x 2.125-inch deep back box or the Gentex GBLP surface box.

The series provides a 25 or 70.7 VRMs speaker; tamperproof selectable candelas of 15, 30, 60, 75 and 110 watts; a fixed 15/75 candela unit; a frequency range of 400 to 4,000Hz; and field selectable power taps of 1/8W, 1/4W, 1/2W, 1W, 2W and 4W.

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