November AAJ Conference Focuses on Social Justice

ST. LOUIS — The 2014 AIA Academy of Architecture for Justice’s national conference, held November 5-7 in St. Louis, will focus on architecture for social justice, highlighting a growing trend in the correctional design community.

The event will provide participants with a platform to share solutions for detention, judicial and public safety facilities across the country. Additionally, it will allow attendees to explore how current justice facilities are meeting the demands for change, and how this will affect the next generation of architects.

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AAJ AIA-NY: Detention Planning for the 21st Century

NEW YORK — The AIA’s Architecture for Justice Committee’s New York Chapter along with sponsor, Turner Construction Company, is hosting the “Smaller, Smarter, Greener, Kinder: Detention Planning and Design for the 21st Century” event on Feb. 2.

The event is taking place at the Center for Architecture in NYC and moderated by David Burney FAIA, Commissioner NYC Dept. of Design and Construction. The event is designed to give insight on managing and operating jails on the premise of Objective Jail Classification (OJC).

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Justice Facility Review Deadline Approaches

Time is fast running out to submit projects for consideration in the AIA’s annual Justice Facilities Review — the deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m. EST April 5, 2010.
The Academy of Architecture for Justice invites all registered architects to submit projects that represent state-of-the-art design in justice facility from corrections to courts, law enforcement to detention facilities, emergency operations and communications centers.  

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