AAJ AIA-NY: Detention Planning for the 21st Century

NEW YORK — The AIA’s Architecture for Justice Committee’s New York Chapter along with sponsor, Turner Construction Company, is hosting the “Smaller, Smarter, Greener, Kinder: Detention Planning and Design for the 21st Century” event on Feb. 2.

The event is taking place at the Center for Architecture in NYC and moderated by David Burney FAIA, Commissioner NYC Dept. of Design and Construction. The event is designed to give insight on managing and operating jails on the premise of Objective Jail Classification (OJC).

Several speakers are highlighting the event including, Dora Schiriro, Commissioner NYC Dept. of Correction, Ken Ricci FAIA and Laura Maiello, Ricci Green Associates, Ray Sabbatine, Director of the Lexington Fayette Detention Center and Todd Clear Ph.D., Dean of the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University.

Through a series of presentations they look to inform the justice community, the architectural community and the public about the key principles of OJC. Architects will describe the facility design characteristics needed to achieve the necessary features. The speakers will also inform the attendees of the operational, security and sustainable features inherent in this kind of approach, as well as provide information regarding the use of OJC in New York City and Denver, Colo.

AIA CES: 2.5 LUs | 2.5 HSW


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