Cell Phone Forensics: Recovery and Preservation

The need for cell phone detection and cell phone jamming is quite obvious, but significant challenges and barriers to the introduction of these technologies within the industry still exist. While these issues are being sorted out, there is a critical element to dealing with confiscated cell phones that is within our control but sometimes overlooked or minimized.

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Manson Discovered With Second Cell Phone

Feds Seek Input on Cell Phone Interdiction Solutions

WASHINGTON — The federal government is seeking input from interested parties regarding technical solutions to the growing problem of contraband cellular phones in correctional facilities.
The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration is seeking comment on technical approaches to preventing the use of contraband cell phones.
A notice of inquiry published by the NTIA requests information from the public on technologies that could significantly reduce or eliminate contraband ce

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New Bill Addresses Contraband Cell Phone Use

WASHINGTON — A new bill that will allow states to petition the Federal Communications Committee for approval to jam or block cell phone signals from within prisons was recently passed by the Senate.

The Safe Prisons Communications Act of 2009, which next goes to the House of Representatives for consideration, was introduced in an effort to reduce the number of cell phones smuggled into correctional facilities for use by inmates.
Critics argue that jamming technology could interfere with emergency phone calls and legitimate cell phone service near the prison.

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