CompuDyne Installs Integrated Automation System

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – CompuDyne Corp, (NASDAQ:CDCY) successfully completed the installation of a $3.3 million integrated Computer Aided Dispatch, Records Management System and Corrections Management System for the city of Ft. Collins and Larimer County, Colo.

CompuDyne’s Public Safety & Justice unit, Tiburon, is a provider of automated public safety and justice systems for law enforcement, fire & rescue, corrections and justice environments.

The multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional Ft. Collins and Larimer County system brought together four existing communication centers and will allow the Larimer County Sheriff's Office to share critical public safety information with other agencies.

The new Computer Aided Dispatch system will allow police, sheriff's department, fire and emergency dispatchers to respond to and manage 911 calls more efficiently. Each dispatch position is equipped with a dynamic map that continuously displays the location of units and incidents.

The Records Management System consolidates and automates records processing for five law enforcement agencies throughout the city and county, helping officers solve crimes and track suspects across city and county boundaries. In a subsequent phase, automated report writing will be available to field units. The Corrections Management System allows correctional administrators to track the status of all inmates and manage jail housing and inmate population information, increasing the safety and efficiency of jail operations, the company says.

Tiburon is currently implementing RMS systems for the city of Longmont and Jefferson County, Colo., as well as a Records Management and Corrections Management system in nearby Boulder County, Colo. A Tiburon system has been in use in Greeley/Weld County, Colo. since 1995.

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