Firm Delivers Escape Notification to Kentucky

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Appriss Inc. and the Kentucky Department of Corrections recently launched a new notification system that will automatically alert neighbors of prisons if an inmate escapes from any of the state’s 14 facilities.

People who live near a Kentucky prison will be able to call a toll-free number to register for the program. If a prisoner escapes, the automated system will call phone numbers on the registry with a recorded message.

The catalyst for creating an automated system was an escape in January. Although the fugitive was captured within 30 hours, DOC officials found the existing notification list was outdated and was not activated when a headcount revealed the inmate was missing.

The escape frightened many Oldham County residents, who said they were alarmed to see police officers standing guard in driveways with shotguns and having schools go into lockdown.

Kentucky DOC Commissioner John Rees soon directed three facilities to update their list, but when more than 1,000 private citizens, businesses and schools registered, officials saw a need for computer software to manage the system.

Appriss Inc. is the provider of the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system and additional automated alert systems.

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