Internet Network Could Link Ohio Courts

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Governor Ted Strickland has proposed funding in the state budget to launch a new Web site that could provide a wealth of information from courts throughout the state.

The Ohio Courts Network project would contain records from 385 Ohio courts in 88 counties, making it easier for attorneys and judges to locate and identify court records from all parts of the state.

The governor has proposed spending $10.5 million during the next two years to jumpstart the program and maintain it.

The proposal is subject to discussion in the state Legislature, which could force changes to the program. The public would have limited access to court records and officials have not yet decided what guidelines will be used to determine the availability of information.

Opponents have raised concerns about privacy and who will have access to the information. Some people have also questioned the cost of the program.

Although the state will pay for the bulk of establishing the network, various court fees will have to be increased to pay for the long-term maintenance of the network.

Some courts currently have complete, up-to-date web sites, but others have an almost nonexistent presence on the Internet.

Some court officials says that although it makes sense to create the network, the logistics will be difficult because every court has a different case management system.

If funding for the program is approved, a pilot system could be created within three months.

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