Partnership Awarded Chatham County Jail Project

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Oldcastle Precast Modular and a Hunt/Mills joint venture will be providing the precast concrete prison cells and building components for the new $71million, 330,000 square-foot expansion of the Chatham County Detention Center in Georgia.
Chatham County commissioners awarded the contract for the expansion of the detention center to general contractor Hunt/Mills, a joint venture of Hunt Construction Group and WG Mills. The detention center is expected to be the most costly capital project in Chatham County’s history and should begin construction as early as January. It will be funded through SPLOST money.
There are presently1,901 inmates in the Chatham County Detention Center; the facility was designed to hold 1224 and 300 beds have been added in a temporary housing unit.
The expansion project will include precast prison cells to accommodate 852 new inmate beds in two and four level housing pods, which will bring the total number of inmate beds to 2,100. It will also include a free standing Video Visitation building (replacing in-person visitation), Courtrooms, Court Holding, Pre Booking, Medical Clinic and Infirmary, Laundry, Plating Kitchen, Street Operations, Warehouse and Commissary.
Oldcastle is supplying fully outfitted rear chase precast cells, which will include electrical fixtures, detention furniture, plumbing fixtures and interior wall paint. Each of the 280 two-bunk precast cells is designed with a rear chase because the facility owner wants the maintenance personnel to have access to the mechanical systems without having to disrupt the prison population’s daily routines. Oldcastle will also be supplying the unique 144 rear chase, four-bed dorm rooms; 80 multipurpose rooms and 88 plenum modules.

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