Oregon DOC Honored for Sustainability Efforts

PORTLAND, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) recently received two awards for its commitment to sustainability. The DOC received a Portland Business Journal Innovation in Sustainability Award in November 2014, as well as the Governor’s Sustainability Award from Business Oregon in December 2014.

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Oregon’s Prison Population to Decline

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon’s prison population is estimated to drop by more than 500 inmates over the next two years as sentencing changes and other reforms come into place, according to the state’s October Corrections Population Forecast released by the Office of Economic Analysis.
The forecast is dramatically different from the one predicted six months ago that said there would be a rising population over the next decade, costing the state $600 million.

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Oregon Faces 14 Percent Growth in Prison Population

SALEM, Ore. — The state prison population will increase by an estimated 14 percent to a record level of approximately 16,000 inmates during the next six years, according to population projections by state’s Office of Economic Analysis.

A semi-annual inmate population forecast, which predicts monthly populations over a 10-year period, identified recently enacted legislation as the primary driver behind the projected increase of about 2,000 inmates. The Oregon Department of Corrections currently operates 14 prisons statewide with approximately 14,450 beds.

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