Ohio Considers Selling Five Prisons

RAFTON, Ohio — Gov. John Kasich is expected to announce a state budget plan that includes the sale of five state prisons. The new budget would take effect July 1.

Under the plan, Grafton Correctional Institution and North Coast Correctional Treatment Facility, a substance-abuse treatment center, would be sold as a package deal.

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Ohio Eyes Work-Release Model

POMEROY, Ohio — A voluntary work release facility modeled after one in Arizona could be the solution for overcrowded jails in Meigs County, Ohio, and would possibly generate revenue for its operation.

County Judge Fred W. Crow III pledged $500,000 from his court budget if all agencies involved in developing such a facility pledge cooperation. The county now spends nearly $500,000 annually to house prisoners in jails outside the county, either because the county jail is overcrowded or other circumstances.

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Ohio Introduces Two-Meal Plan to Reduce Costs

COLUMBUS, Ohio — State inmates began receiving one fewer meal per day on weekends and holidays, beginning in August, but the cost-savings initiative will not reduce the amount of food served to inmates, according to corrections officials.

Under the plan, inmates at the state’s 32 prisons receive brunch instead of breakfast and lunch. The brunch plan delivers the same amount of food as the out-going three-meal system.

“The brunch meal plan was a result of a joint labor and management cost savings committee,” says JoEllen Culp, prisons spokeswoman.

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