Larry Latimer

Rosser International Inc.  hired Larry Latimer as its new senior construction manager. Latimer brings to Rosser advanced technical knowledge of building systems and components, skill in cost management and cost reduction, and knowledge of design, approval and delivery process of government capital projects.

Previously, Latimer worked with the Georgia Department of Corrections, where he served as the Director of Engineering and Construction Services for seven years. There, he was responsible for the management of 14 million square feet of facilities. Latimer managed the capital building and expansion program, the maintenance requirements of existing infrastructure and inmate construction program. He also managed the strategic planning of the Department’s capital assets, the budgeting process and the implementation of projects. Prior to Rosser, Latimer also worked in a number of capacities, including managing the Technical Support and Project Group. He also served in the statewide security electronics and perimeter security program as a security systems specialist.

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