JailCore Launches COVID-19 Screening Product to Assess Inmates

By CN Staff
NASHVILLE—JailCore, a correctional facility management and compliance platform, has released a new COVID-19 assessment product to help prevent the spread of the virus in jails. Inmates and correctional officers are especially prone to the spread of the virus as social distancing is nearly impossible in a prison setting and sanitization is more difficult.
Some of the U.S.’s frequently overcrowded jails are already feeling the effects of COVID-19 in their populations. In places like Chicago’s Cook County jail and New York’s Rikers Island complex, the spread of the virus has been rapid. JailCore’s new system aims to help jails of all sizes by being proactive with their assessments and knowledge-sharing across staff members.
The new application allows correctional officers to safely assess the medical needs of both inmates and staff members who are feeling ill by linking directly to the CDC-approved questionnaire. Once symptoms have been recorded, officers will receive a recommendation to quarantine the inmate in question or not.
If a recommendation for quarantine is given, the cell-side mobile app provides officers with a visual cue by marking the potentially infected inmate’s photo with the COVID-19 graphic. This graphic will be visible to all correctional officers throughout the facility, which helps limit confusion amongst staff members.
Once an inmate is believed to be infected, two-step verification will be triggered in the app every time an officer attempts to move the inmate to a shared or common area. Officers will also be prompted to check on the inmate at a particular time interval in order to continually monitor the inmate’s medical needs.
“Our new COVID-19 product is designed to be extremely intuitive so very few mistakes are made,” said DJ Kreal, founder and CEO of JailCore. “I felt that designing and launching a COVID-19 application was the least I could do to help eradicate the disease in jail systems and flatten the curve.”
For more information about JailCore and their COVID-19 product, visit www.jailcore.com.