Job-Finding App for Inmates Nears 11 Million Searches
By CN Staff
DALLAS—JobView, the job search application by Securus Technologies, recently reached a milestone of more than 10.9 million job searches over the past year.
The employment platform, which is available on the SecureView® tablet, helps incarcerated individuals prepare for a successful release by aiding them in employment opportunities.
In the last 12 months, JobView had an average of 135,000-plus monthly users—an increase of 31 percent over a year ago. With nearly 920,000 monthly job searches, this is up 74 percent from the previous year. In August of this year, there were more than 930,000 job searches conducted, representing the largest number of job searches in a single month to date.
A study by the Manhattan Institute revealed that “enhanced job-readiness training and job-search assistance helped reduce recidivism among nonviolent ex-offenders by one-third, with rearrests dropping from 52 percent to 35 percent.
The SecureView® tablet also allows the incarcerated to keep in contact with friends and family. In addition to email communications and media offerings, this digital tool allows offenders to work on personal rehabilitation with applications such as education, mental health and law library, in addition to JobView. Access to these applicates is free of charge for the incarcerated.
Since its launch a decade ago in 2009, JobView is now available in nearly 30 states.