New York City to Spend $130 Million for Mentally Ill Inmates

NEW YORK CITY — On Monday, Dec. 1, New York City announced that they plan to spend $130 million in order to change the way its criminal justice system handles mentally ill inmates. The plan was issued by Mayor Bill de Blasio, and concerns itself with mentally ill inmates cycling between prison systems, and the way the justice system controls these mentally ill inmates. The plan also desires to look into a way to prevent unnecessary arrests, and then punishing those who commit such minor crimes with treatment rather than jail time.

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Maine Could Save $19M With Corrections Consolidation

AUGUSTA, Maine — Efforts to reduce state prison costs under a jail consolidation law will save taxpayers more than $19.2 million between 2009 and 2013, according to offic

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Md. Considers Releasing Inmates to Save Money

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — State legislators are considering cost-cutting ideas that include releasing enough inmates to close a prison in Maryland.
In addition to closing one facility, staff at other prisons could be cut to a minimum. It may not be feasible for the state to maintain the $700 million needed to support corrections operations. Rep.

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