Texas Prison Agency Proposes Large Expansion

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has revealed a $520 million plan to build new prisons that would match the state’s expected inmate population growth.

The plan, which is part of a proposed $5.6 billion, two-year budget for the agency, includes three new prisons, funding for substance abuse treatment programs, and funding for the agency’s health care system. About 4,000 new beds would be added with prisons operated by the agency, while another 1,000-bed prison and a 500-bed DWI treatment center would be operated by a private company.

If the plan is approved by the state Legislature, it would be biggest prison expansion in Texas in more than a decade, according to reports. Texas currently oversees about 152,000 prison beds, following several recent projects and an expansion in the early 1990s that nearly tripled inmate capacity.

Prison officials say a 3 percent raise for prison workers is included in the plan to help encourage people to seek jobs with the department.


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