Atlanta Looks to Tackle Addiction With New Protocol

ATLANTA — Officials in Fulton County, where almost half of all adult male arrestees test positive for cocaine, will test the Prometa treatment protocol for stimulant dependence for possible adoption and use.

The protocol, licensed by the health care services management company Hythiam Inc., is designed to treat alcohol, methamphetamine and cocaine dependence.

Prometa targets the adverse changes in brain chemistry that occur with alcohol- or stimulant-related dependencies. The protocols are designed to minimize withdrawal symptoms, reduce cravings, improve mental clarity and support the patient with a follow-up program that is designed to help prevent relapse.

Fulton County Superior Court’s Drug Court, the county’s provider of parole, probation, drug court and diversion clients services, will conduct the pilot program. It will examine the biological effects of the drug on 20 individuals who are on parole or probation. They will be treated for cocaine, crack/cocaine and methamphetamine dependencies. The pilot will track drug and alcohol abstinence as well as recidivism rates among participants.

The protocol has been used in criminal offender pilot programs in Washington and Indiana.

After six months of implementing the pilots, both states report the highest success rates ever seen in their treatment programs. They are both currently pursuing initiatives for funding.

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