Law Enforcement Center Could be Added to Jail

WENTWORTH, N.C. — Officials in Rockingham County are considering adding a law enforcement center to plans for a new $40.3 million jail and courthouse complex.

Commissioners approved spending $195,000 to design the proposed center, but do not plan to give final approval for the addition until construction bids are submitted later this year.

If approved, the $4.5 million center would house the sheriff’s office, which is currently located at the county’s old courthouse. Sheriff’s officials believe construction of the center would prevent extra staffing costs and streamline operations by moving the sheriff’s department closer to the jail.

Critics of the proposal claim the extra construction would require at least a half-cent property tax rate increase for residents. The county could pay as much as $343,000 per year to cover the cost of the center, according to reports.

The new complex will include an emergency call center and emergency medical services. A groundbreaking for the complex is scheduled for early 2008, with an expected completion date of 2010.

Moseley Architects is developing designs for the proposed law enforcement center.

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