Cell Phone Detector

Berkeley Varitronics Systems (BVS) offers the Watchhound Cell Phone Security Monitor for use in correctional facilities. The Watchhound continuously scans any cell phone prohibited area for wireless activity, essentially creating wireless-free zones without the need for jamming. All incoming and outgoing cellular calls are detected (regardless of active or standby mode) and time stamped for later analysis. This award-winning TSCM receiver can also be configured to look like a common thermostat on any wall for more covert enforcement and features an ultra-crisp OLED display, remote control and utilizes Power (PoE) over Ethernet or from the included AC power supply. Audible alerts are relayed over the internal speaker, headphone output or create a custom alert to be triggered via the dry contact port. WatchHound’s simple thumbstick/push button control allows any security personnel to easily set threshold levels, check past cell phone activity and detect all voice, text and cellular data triggers in real time.


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